Hole In The Head Disease
Photo Credit: Annonymous, via Wikipedia
Effects many fish from marine and freshwater environments, however, most common in South American and Central American cichlids. Tangs (saltwater) and Koi also seem to have a high rate of occurance.
Unknown. Many publications, both online and in books, list flagellate protozoans Hexamita and Spironuncleus as being sometimes present. Other possible causes include: Inadequate nutrition, bacterial infections, poor water conditions1.
"Nitrates have been linked in some studies to the development of HITH where a fish is kept for long periods of time in water with levels exceeding 40 ppm." (Danga, 2009)
"A link has been found between the development of HITH and a lack of calcium, phosphorous, and vitamins C & D. Many of the common fish foods sold in the hobby today are enriched with vitamins to make them more balanced, though supplemental vitamins can be added to them as well. Know the diet of your fish and be consistent, and varied. As a side note for carnivorous and semi-carnivorous fish such as Oscars, red devils, and Jaguars, feeder fish should never be chosen as a primary food source because they have virtually no nutritional value." (Danga, 2009)
Many sources have named "boring diet syndrome", where the owner feeds only 1 kind of pellet or flake to their fish for yearsm and the fish develops a nutrition deficiency in response. To help combat this, add new pellets, including veggie and different protein and lipid combinations to their diets, along with the occasional vitamin supplement.
Easily recognized by scabby indented wounds in the head area (see below). May develop along the lateral line as well, which is known as Lateral Line Erosion. (note: HLLE and Hole in the Head are considered the same disease by some, however, I have chosen to keep them separate as there seems to be varied opinions on this).
Photo Credit: Gtownguy487, via ReefCentral.com
Medicinal: Metronidazole (internal), Quinine Sulfate (external)
Non-medicinal: Water changes (20-50% every 3 days), Vitamin C and D additives to food, remove carbon from filters.
Oscar Fish Lover - http://www.oscarfish...es/hith-disease
World Cichlids Online - http://www.worldcich...s/Adamhith.html
[Thread] Fish Forums.com - http://www.fishforum...-hole-head.html
Cichlid Forum.net - http://www.cichlid-f...pironucleus.php
Reefkeeping Magazine - http://reefkeeping.c...06/sp/index.php
[Thread] Reef Central - http://www.reefcentr...d.php?t=1226661
Fish Farmacy - http://www.fishyfarm...s/hexamita.html
Andrews, C., Exell, A. & Carrington, N. (2010). The Manual of Fish Health. ON: Firefly Books Ltd.
Danga, Adam. (2007). Hole In The Head Disease. Retrieved from:
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